CMS integration

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By integrating 1C:Drive with a content management system, you can exchange data between your online store and the application in one click. Or, even without a single click if you set up a schedule.

With the integration service, you can export the products, prices, and balances from 1C:Drive to a CMS; and import orders customers place through your online store.


  • To use this feature, you need Administrator privileges.
  • To develop a data processor to integrate your CMS, please send a request to the local 1C:Drive partner. Find your local partner here.


1C:Drive doesn't support importing product lists, balances, and prices from CMS. So, please ensure that 1C:Drive is the master data source. That is, all changes to product details are made in 1C:Drive and then are exported to a CMS.

If you edit product details in a CMS, the changes will be lost the next time this product is exported from 1C:Drive.

Setup process

For the initial CMS integration, complete the following steps:

  1. Enable CMS integration service.
  2. Add an integration component.
  3. Set up data exchange.
  4. Optional: Add salespersons.

Step 1. Enable CMS integration service

  1. Go to Settings, and under Accounting settings, click Integration.
  2. Under Website, select Use data exchange with websites.

Now, you can add integration components and set up the data exchange.

Step 2. Add integration component

The essential part of CMS integration is the integration component, which is a 1C:Enterprise data processor that describes the data exchange schema.

1C:Drive includes out-of-the-box integration components, which you can find in the template directory: %Path%/tmplts/1C/Drive/%Version%/AddFiles. To see the full path to the template directory, start 1C:Enterprise, and in the startup window, click Settings. All the template directories are listed under Configuration template and update directories.

To add an integration component:

  1. In the navigation menu, click Settings, and under Accounting settings, click Integration.
  2. Click Integration components.
  3. In the Integration components list, click Create.
  4. In the window that opens, click paper_clip and browse for an EPF (External Data Processor) file.
  5. Optional: Edit Description.
  6. Click Save and close.

Step 3. Set up data exchange

With exchange settings, you can define when and what data to exchange. You can create multiple exchange settings for an integration component. For example, you might want to import orders placed through the online store every 5 minutes to ensure timely order fulfillment. However, it's enough to export product images once a night when the server load is low.

Main settings tab

To create an exchange setting:

  1. Go to Settings, and under Accounting settings, click Integration.
  2. Click Exchange settings.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In the window that opens, specify the following:
    Field Description
    Description Enter a description that will identify this exchange setting in the list.
    Company Select a company whose data you want to exchange.
    Code Optional: Enter a code that will identify the data exchange node. Otherwise, 1C:Drive will autogenerate a code when you save the changes.
    Integration component Select a component that describes integration with your CMS.
    Data export mode Select the export mode:
    • Select All data if you want to export all objects—changed and unchanged—in every exchange session.
    • Select Changes if you want to export only the objects that have been modified since the last export.

You're all done configuring how you want to exchange data. To select what data you want to exchange, proceed to Data to export and Data to import.

Data to export

Under Data to export, select what product details 1C:Drive will export to the CMS:

Select In order to
Products Export a product list to the CMS. This option is required to select other export options.
Variants Export each product variant as a separate item.
Serial numbers Export products with different serial numbers as separate items.
Batches Export products with different batch numbers as separate items.
Prices Export product prices.
Balances Export product balances.
Images Export product images.

Data to import

Under Data to import, select what data 1C:Drive will import from the CMS:

Select In order to
Orders Import orders placed through your online store. For each imported online order, 1C:Drive creates a sales order. This option is required to select other import options.

Import customers who placed orders. For each authorized online customer, 1C:Drive creates a counterparty.

Note. The option behavior might vary depending on the integration component implementation.

Default customer to assign all orders to

Assign orders from all customers to the selected 1C:Drive counterparty.

This field is active if the Customer option is disabled.

Overwrite orders Update the sales order in 1C:Drive when a customer edits an online order. Otherwise, changes made to online orders are ignored.

Automatic exchange

Under Automatic exchange, you can set up a data exchange schedule. To do so:

  1. Select Use automatic exchange.
  2. Click Set the exchange schedule, set up the schedule, and click OK.
  3. Click Parameters for partial data export to the website and in the window that opens, specify the following:
    Field Description
    Part size The number of items per file.
    Repeat count The number of data exchange attempts.

Products tab

The Products tab appears when you select export of products on the Main settings tab. Here, you can set up which products to export to the CMS catalogs. To do so, do the following:

  1. Click Add.
  2. On the new list item, specify the following:
    Field Description
    Website product catalog Name of the CMS directory to export products to.
    Product groups Product groups to export to the CMS directory.
    Catalog UUID

    The unique identifier of the CMS catalog.

    This column is hidden by default. To display the column, at of the form, click More actions > Change form. Then, in the Form items list, select Catalog UUID and click OK.

    Filter Optional: To export only certain products, set up filters.

To change the import priority use Up and Down.

Price types tab

The Price types tab appears when you select export of product prices on the Main settings tab.

Note. We recommend that you specify one price type per an exchange setting. Otherwise, if you specify multiple or no price types, 1C:Drive will export a random price type.

Warehouses tab

The Warehouses tab appears when you select export of product balances on the Main settings tab.

Add the warehouses whose accumulated balance you want to export to the CMS. If you specify no warehouses, 1C:Drive will export the total product balance across all warehouses.

Connection tab

On this tab, you can select the way the data is exchanged. 1C:Drive offers you the following options:

  • Data exchange by web service. Web services allow 1C:Drive and CMS to exchange data over the internet. The option requires web service user credentials.
  • Data exchange by shared directory. Exchange data via a network directory. The option requires the following parameters:
    • Export directory. The path to the exchange directory.
    • Import file. The name of a file the CMS exports order details to.
  • Data exchange to website. To use this option, the website must have a special PHP module. For details, contact your local 1C:Drive partner. The option requires website user credentials.

Some of the options may be unavailable depending on the integration component.

Step 4. Add salespersons

Salespersons are a group of users who receive notifications about new orders imported from an online store. To add salespersons:

  1. Go to Settings, and under Accounting settings, click Integration.
  2. Click Salespersons.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In the Task assignee dialog, select a user and a company. The company must be the same as in the integration setting that specifies order import.
  5. Click Save and close.

All salespersons will receive order notifications to My tasks. The first salesperson who accepts an order is assigned as a person responsible for its fulfillment.

Exchange start and progress

After you are done with the setup, you can start the data exchange. For more detail about the scheduled start, see Automatic exchange. To run exchange manually, open Integration settings, select or open a setting and click Run sync.

To view the exchange progress, open an integration setting and click Lens.

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