Supplier price types
The Supplier price types catalog is a catalog where you store price types that your suppliers offer.
A product can have various prices depending on a supplier. For example, a supplier can sell coffee at a wholesale price of 15$ per 1kg, while another supplier sells it at 10$ per 1kg.
Supplier price types classify supplier prices. This helps you analyze the prices and choose best ones for your purchases.
In 1C:Drive, supplier price types apply to purchase documents. This determines product prices in the documents. A supplier price applies to purchase documents when you select the supplier. This saves your time on data input and ensures a purchasing price is as agreed.
In the Supplier price types catalog, you can:
To use supplier price types, do the following:
- Register a supplier price type.
- Assign the supplier price type to a counterparty.
- Register a supplier price based on the supplier price type.
Using supplier price types is optional. You can specify prices in your purchase documents manually.
Viewing supplier price types
To view supplier price types:
- Go to Purchases > Prices > Supplier price types.
The columns of the Supplier price types list can vary depending on the list settings. By default, the following columns are available:
- Counterparty. A supplier name or short description.
- Description. A short description of a supplier price type.
- Currency. A currency that applies to prices based on the supplier price type.
- Note. Any details on a supplier price type.
To quickly find supplier price types:
- Sort the catalog by column by clicking a column header. You can sort by any column except Note. To change the sorting order, click the header again.
- Search the catalog using the search field above the list. You can search by counterparty, description, currency, and note.
To view the details of a supplier price type:
- In the Supplier price types catalog, double-click a supplier price type line.
Registering supplier price types
To register a supplier price type:
- Go to Purchases > Prices > Supplier price types.
- Click Create.
- In the Supplier price types (create) window, enter or select the following:
Field Description Description A short description of a supplier price type. For example, Fruit Inc. wholesale price. Code A supplier price type ID. You can use it to find a supplier price type in the Supplier price types catalog.
It is automatically generated when you save a supplier price type. You can edit it.
Counterparty A counterparty name from the Counterparties catalog. Currency A currency that applies to supplier prices based on the supplier price type. A list of currencies is based on the Currencies catalog.
Tax inclusive Indicates whether VAT is included in supplier prices based on the supplier price type. Note Any details about the supplier price type. - Click Save and close.
Editing supplier price types
You can edit the details of a supplier price type. To do this:
- Go to Purchases > Prices > Supplier price types.
- Double-click a supplier price type line.
- Edit the details of the supplier price type. To learn more, see Registering supplier price types.
Note. The changes do not automatically apply to prices in the existing purchase documents. If you want to update the prices, open a document and refill the prices. To learn more, see Prices and currency settings.