Printing goods receipts

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You can generate a variety of print forms that can be used while processing a goods receipt. For example, you can print out a goods received note based on the goods receipt and send it to a supplier. You can also print out labels or price tags for each received product.

To generate a print form based on a goods receipt:

  1. Do either of the following:
    • Go to Purchases and under Purchases, click Goods receipts.
    • Go to Warehouse and under Warehouse, click Goods receipts.
  2. In the Goods receipts list, do one of the following:
    • To generate a print form based on a single goods receipt, select or double-click a goods receipt line.
    • To generate print forms of multiple goods receipts at once, select their lines while holding down Ctrl or Shift.
  3. Click Print and select a print form you need from the following list:
    • Goods received note. A document that confirms product receipt from a supplier. It lists all the products included in the shipment.
    • Labels. Product labels for products included in a goods receipt.
    • Price tags. Price tags for products included in a goods receipt.

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