Viewing bank receipts

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To view bank receipts:

  1. Go to Cash management.
  2. Under Bank, click Bank Receipts.

The Bank receipts list shows bank receipt details. The details can vary depending on the list settings. By default, the following details are available:

  • Date. Date of the bank receipt's register records. By default, it is the date of the bank receipt's creation.
  • Number. A bank receipt ID.
  • From. A payer.
  • Total. The total payment amount.
  • Operation. A business operation that a bank receipt records.

To quickly find certain bank receipts:

  • Sort the list by any column by clicking a column header. To change the sorting order, click the header again.
  • Search the list using the search field above the list.

To view the bank receipt details:

  • Double-click a bank receipt line.
    For the description of the bank receipt fields, see Bank receipt fields.

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