Specifying User's Access Rights
Configuring user's access rights via user profiles
In 1C:Drive's out-of-the-box functionality, for a user, for each user profile assigned to the user, an administrator can configure allowance and restrictions as follows.
This should be done for each access profile of the user that can be configured per business unit.
Configuring custom roles
For a custom role you created in Designer, you need to ensure that restriction per business units is supported in the role:
For a new role, you should also include it in an access profile - in code, add the role name to the common module procedure:
To display the new role in the users' access profiles, run the infobase in Enterprise mode on behalf of Administrator with the "StartInfobaseUpdate" startup option (Designer: Tools > Options).
Finally, perform step Configuring user's access rights via user profiles (see above) for each updated user profile of the user.