How to setup multilevel storage bins in 1C:Drive
Question: How can I manage storage cells in 1C:Drive that are divided into smaller container units?
Answer: 1C:Drive allows us to create storage containers, if we go to Settings->Purchases/Warehouse, in the section of warehouse accounting we have the option of Inventory accounting by storage bins.
The storage bins catalog allows us to create storage bin groups for better information management, but this catalog is no hierarchical, this means that a storage bin can not be the parent of another storage bin.
The storage bin catalog allows us to create a subdivision within our warehouse, although it does not provide a subdivision at lower levels, the description field of these storage areas is large enough to make a division by nomenclature. For example, we could create a storage area with the description Rack 1 Level 2 Side A. Thus giving us a virtual subdivision of the storage bins.