Emails sent from 1C:Drive are not received by recipients: possible causes

Question: I have created and set up an e-mail account in 1C:Drive, but later it turned out that the e-mails I am sending from 1C:Drive aren´t actually received by the recipients. How to correct this situation?

Answer: First, you should try sending e-mails using the same settings as you use in 1C:Drive, from the same computer but from another e-mail client such as Outlook. This is to make sure that your e-mail settings are actually correct and your network environment is fit for e-mail exchange with the e-mail servers. 

Second, if you are using 1C:Drive in client-server regime, then you must enable e-mail exchange in background tasks: Open Settings > Application settings >  Support and service > Background jobs > Scheduled and background jobs, then define a schedule (for example, run every 30 seconds) and activate the “E-mail sync” background job (so in the list, a green tick mark appears to the left of the “E-mail sync” background job).


Third, if you are using 1C:Drive in file mode, then enable Settings > Personal settings > E-mail > Account settings > Other > Send mail at once.


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