
1C:Bus is software of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) type. With 1C:Bus, you can exchange data between various information systems.


The operation is based on the asynchronous message exchange between information systems that interact via 1C:Bus. A message is an arbitrary data block that is transferred from one information system (a sender) to other information systems (recipients). Within the asynchronous exchange, a sender system does not interact with recipient systems. It interacts only with 1C:Bus. At the same time, 1C:Bus interacts with the recipients when they are available.

In 1C:Bus, you can set up routing for the messages to transfer. Based on the message, you can find out which interacting systems must receive this message. Besides, you can modify messages while they are being delivered. To code the interaction between information systems via 1C:Bus, you can use a special development environment. There you can set up the routing and message modification using 1C:Enterprise language.

To interact with 1C:Bus in 1C:Enterprise platform, you can use integration services. With these services, you can ensure that outgoing messages are sent and incoming messages are processed. 1C:Bus allows you to exchange thousands of messages per minute. Such high speed is provided by embedding the functionality directly into 1C:Enterprise platform. You can be sure that your message will be delivered as it is saved on each section of the path to the recipient system.

If you use the integration services, 1C:Bus also allows you to do the following:

  • Exchange data over AMQP to connect to external message brokers.
  • Exchange messages with the message broker Apache ActiveMQ Artemis.
  • Send HTTP requests to external systems to get or send data, REST API calls, or web services.
  • Exchange messages as files saved in a file system or on the FTP server. Such messages can also be created when you change files in a file system or on FTP resources.

All of this helps you to exchange data or implement more complex interaction scenarios.

1C:Bus is a server application that you need to install and set up separately. The administrator can manage 1C:Bus in a user-friendly graphical interface. The setup and operation processes include several steps that allow you to quickly configure the message exchange and control streams running for exchange.


During the software development, some of our franchisee partners and customers contributed to implementing 1C:Bus deployment pilots.

The participants of the pilots highlighted the following advantages:

  • Deep and convenient integration with systems on 1C:Enterprise platform and the possibility to work with other external applications.
  • Simple installation and setup.
  • User-friendly interface and the possibility to monitor message delivery.
  • Sender's independence of the recipient state.
  • Guaranteed delivery:
    • Messages are sent again if they were not delivered.
    • Messages are stored before being sent.
  • Message routing:
    • Possibility to select multiple message recipients.
  • Fast message delivery at high loads.
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